My Blog List

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Pre Heresy Alpha Legion Rapiers with Heavy Bolters

You don't see many Heavy Bolter Rapiers getting used but I think they look cool and will be handy for killing Dave Taylor's Thallax. They are Hardly an über-unit but I think they are pound for pound better than a tactical marine, aside from not being able to secure objectives. They are a MUCH better buy than Heavy Support Squads with Heavy Bolters, that is for sure.

Pre Heresy Alpha Legion Rapiers with Heavy Bolters

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Here is a blast from the past. I used to be big into the Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game. Despite the endless disparaging it received from interweb neckbeards for taking GW resources away from 40K, it is a wonderful little game. I painted several armies including Angmar, Grey Company and a couple of Mordor ones. These dwarves are my definitely my favorite though!

Lord of the Rings Dwarves - Dain, Gimli, Banner Dude and Balin
Dain, Gimli, Banner Dude and Balin

Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game - Dwarf Warriors with Shield
Dwarf Warriors with Shields

Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game - Dwarrf Warriors with Two-handed Axes
Dwarf Warriors with Two-handed Axes

Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game - Dwarrf Warriors with Bows
Dwarf Warriors with Bows

Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game - Khazad Guard
Khazad Guard

Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game - Dwarf Rangers
Dwarf Rangers

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Alpha Legion Works in Progress

I don't usually post many photos of unfinished models but here goes nothing. Painting is already underway for all of these guys, so hopefully some updates soon!

Forge Lord


The ubiquitous Moritat with two plasma pistols

 Rapiers with Mk. IV Crew

Rewards of Treasonified Mor Deythan

Each Mor Dethan guy gets a recon pack and a mk. VI helmet

A wide array of magnatized guns for the Mor Deythan, because I am a crazy person